Colouring in sheet freebie!

I was feeling a bit sorry for myself this week and felt like I was stuck at home, when in fact I needed to remind myself, that by staying at home I am keeping myself and my family safe. We are lucky that none of us in our house HAS to go out.
So I have created this colouring page for you all.
You can download it and print it out as much as you like.
Please remember that the copyright belongs to me.
It is my original design. And you can not sell it or use parts of it for commercial gain.
Feel free to share the link to everyone you know though.
Thanks, stay safe. Stay home.
If you fancy sharing the finished coloured sheets with my on social media I would love to see them so tag me or share with my on instagram (@dorisandfred) or twitter (@dorisandfred) or facebook (@dorisandfreddesigns)
Wat a brilliant idea
Brilliant idea.
Thank you
Thanks Wendy! Printed it out and will be coloring while I am “Safe at Home”. Will send you a photo of the finished product!